School Singing Support

Through our Sing Wiltshire programme we can currently offer Wiltshire schools heavily subsidised singing visits. Each visit is led by one of our experienced Associate singing leaders. 4 different visit types are available, each designed to support schools to develop a specific aspect of their singing provision.

  1.  Starting your School Choir (subsidised price – £40)

Are you looking to start a choir but don’t know where to start?  You will receive an initial 30-minute planning meeting (on Zoom or by phone), followed by 2 visits in which you will be supported in planning for and establishing your choir and in choosing first repertoire.  The second visit can be used to review progress made so far, and to provide ideas and support in the early development of the choir.

  1. Development visits (subsidised price – £40)

Is there an aspect of your vocal provision that you have identified as needing development?   Perhaps you are keen to get more boys singing, or to encourage more PP/SEND children to access choir.  Your choir might be ready for more part singing but you need ideas and repertoire to support them.  You will receive an initial 30-minute planning meeting (on Zoom or by phone), followed by two visits – to support you in moving your project forward, review your progress and give ideas for future development.

  1. Singing Assembly visit (subsidised price – £25)

A Singing Leader will demonstrate how to run a successful, fun and inspiring singing assembly.  Following a short initial discussion via Zoom or by phone, this visit will be tailored to suit the needs of your setting, but could include repertoire and warm-up ideas, tips for encouraging reluctant singers, suggestions as to how develop the children’s progress in vocal technique and pitch awareness, and how to cater for mixed ages. 

  1. Shine visit (subsidised price – £25)

A Shine visit is designed to help you ‘polish’ a performance.  Your choir / ensemble will need to have an item ready to perform, that can be recorded at the start of the session.  Following a short initial discussion via Zoom or by phone, the Singing Leader will then work with the group to help them to develop and / or polish an aspect of the performance – perhaps focussing on presentation, tuning, or how to develop the piece of music in another way.  The performance will be recorded again towards the end of the session, and the ensemble will have the opportunity to compare and evaluate both recordings, being encouraged to identify the progress made. 

To request a singing visit please email