Lesson / session planning

Whether your pupils or young people are working towards instrument grades, audition or a performance – or on a learning journey with no tests or exams it is good practice to plan and monitor their musical journey.

Part of the Associate interview asks you to share your approach to session, lesson or project project planning, and monitoring, measuring  and supporting progression.

The techniques and methods you use for this should be appropriate to the context you are working in, and you should agree and communicate your approach to your stakeholders – pupils, clients, parents and carers, project managers.

Examples of methods that music leaders and teachers might use could include:

  • a simple year planner with milestones
  • practice diaries & termly reports
  • email updates on progress to parents & carers
  • project plan and evaluation report

tip: you can find a range of resources, apps and templates online

If you are interested in support to develop your lesson/session planning –